AP/CLTR2420 3.0 B: Communication,Presentation Skills &Voice
Offered by: CLTR
(Cross-listed to: AP/HUMA2220 3.0B )
Summer 2019
Calendar Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite
A practical course for students wanting to develop public speaking and presentation skills. Story-telling exercises, extemporaneous speech making, and text analysis facilitate expertise in public speaking. Video feedback will be used as a developmental tool.
Relevant Links / Resources
- Academic Honesty
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Religious Observance
- Grading Scheme and Feedback
- 20% Rule
No examinations or tests collectively worth more than 20% of the final grade in a course will be given during the final 14 calendar days of classes in a term. The exceptions to the rule are classes which regularly meet Friday evenings or on Saturday and/or Sunday at any time, and courses offered in the compressed summer terms. - Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities