
AP/ESL1450 6.0 B: Thinking about Contemporary Canada

Offered by: ESL

(Cross-listed to: AP/HUMA1745 6.0B )


Fall 2019




BLEN (Blended online and classroom)


Calendar Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite

Examines issues critical to Canadian society and culture through texts representing a range of voices and genres - from text to film, official to creative, rooted in Canada to immigrant. Key themes include those of arrival, belonging and the idea of nation. The course also aims to enhance English language and critical thinking skills necessary for academic success in university study. Note: This course comprises the English as a second language requirement for students with an ESL background.Course credit exclusions: AP/HUMA 1220 9.00, AP/ESL 1000 9.00 (prior to Fall 2016).

Course Website

Many courses utilize Moodle, York University's course website system. If your course is using Moodle, refer to the image below to access it.

    Getting Started with your Blended online and classroom Course

Students enrolled in this course are required to review the Next Steps website.

The Next Steps website explains how to start your fully online (ONLN) & blended (BLEN) course(s) with start up information including computing requirements, course website access instructions and links to course outlines & course websites. Students are also encouraged to review the Student Guide to eLearning at York University.

Moodle course website access starts within the first week of the term. For late enrollees it takes two business days from the time of your enrolment to access the Moodle websites once the semester has started. Course materials begin to be released on the course website during the first week of the semester. Get familiar with Moodle by reviewing the Moodle Student Resources Page.

For enrolment matters and academic related questions, please contact the affiliated LA&PS School/Department. For eLearning support please contact eLearning Services, LA&PS.

Moodle and computing support can be directed to ithelp@yorku.ca or visit the Student Computing website

    Relevant Links / Resources