
AP/SP3000 6.0 B: Advanced Spanish Language and Grammar

Offered by: Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics


Fall 2019






Calendar Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite

This course develops the student's command of Spanish grammar through the writing of multiple drafts of essays, the discussion of advanced and subtle aspects of grammar and style, and the analysis of selected readings. Prerequisite: AP/SP 2000 6.00 or AP/SP 2020 6.00 or equivalent with a minimum grade of C. Course credit exclusions: AP/SP 3050 6.00.PRIOR TO FALL 2011: Course credit exclusions: GL/LIN 2610 6.00, GL/SP 2610 6.00.

Course Website

Many courses utilize Moodle, York University's course website system. If your course is using Moodle, refer to the image below to access it.

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