
AP/MODR1760 6.0 A: Reasoning About Morality and Values

Offered by: MODR


Fall 2020






Calendar Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite

This is a skills-based course focusing on critical thinking, critical writing, and logical and linguistic analysis. The course uses examples drawn from areas in the humanities where value judgements are made. Different sections will stress different topics in ethics, aesthetics, religion or law. Course credit exclusions: AP/MODR 1730 6.00, AP/MODR 1770 6.00.

Course Start Up

Course Websites hosted on York's "eClass" are accessible to students during the first week of the term. It takes two business days from the time of your enrolment to access your course website. Course materials begin to be released on the course website during the first week. To log in to your eClass course visit the York U eClass Portal and login with your Student Passport York Account. If you are creating and participating in Zoom meetings you may also go directly to the York U Zoom Portal.

For further course Start Up details, review the Getting Started webpage.

For IT support, students may contact University Information Technology Client Services via askit@yorku.ca or (416) 736-5800. Please also visit UIT Student Services or the Getting Help - UIT webpages.

    Additional Course Instructor/Contact Details

Cael Cohen, PhD


Email: ccohen@schulich.yorku.ca

Tel or Text: 647-880-1237

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 am – 11:00 am, in Zoom. See “Office Hours” link in Orientation in Moodle. Or, private Zoom or telephone meetings by appointment only.

    Expanded Course Description
Description of Course:


This fully online, skills-based course teaches learners how to read, write and think independently, critically, and for meaning, through:


  • A collection of critical skills, practices, techniques, attitudes and principles that can be used every day to systematically evaluate your own and others’ reasoning about morality and values;
  • An approach to ethical disagreements and controversial moral issues using rational standards and mindfulness awareness;
  • Critical assessment and formulation of ethical beliefs, arguments, and concepts based on relevant, acceptable and sufficient grounds, rather than passive acceptance.


Why should learners bother taking this course?


  • Increase ability to assess situations and act in a way that reflects reasoned assessment and choices.
  • Understand the world more clearly.
  • Clarify confusing ideas.
  • Analyze reasons and claims.
  • Evaluate the quality of claims and arguments.
  • Gain a better understanding of who you are by enhancing your autonomy, what you believe, and who you can become.
  • Give you more control of your life by grounding your understanding, decisions, and actions on reason rather than merely on a gut feeling, habit or social convention.
  • Read for meaning better and systematically assess what is read.
  • Think more independently.
  • Formulate stronger, more convincing arguments that depend on relevant, sufficient and acceptable reasons.


General Education course. There are course credit exclusions on MODR1730, 1760, and 1770 as a set.  Students cannot take two Modes of Reasoning courses for credit.


    Required Course Text / Readings

Required readings for this course includes the two books below. These books are available for purchase from the York University Bookstore, through Amazon, and many online used bookstores. Be careful to purchase the editions below. Every session, learners should check the Lesson Schedule below on pages 10-18 of this course outline, or the Lesson Block on the Moodle course site, for which pages to read. One copy of each textbook will also be on 2-hour reserve in the Scott library.


  • Critical Thinking: Argument and Argumentation. 2014. Second Edition. Authors: Jean Saindon and Peter John Krek. ISBN: 978-0-17-666100-7. Publisher: Nelson Education.
  • The Ethical Process: An Approach to Disagreements and Controversial Issues. 2003. Third Edition. ISBN: 0-13-198889-8. Publisher: Prentice Hall; Pearson Education.



    Weighting of Course
“Take Home” Mid-Term Exam 20% Due:

Oct. 21, 11:59 pm

Completed independently.


No collaboration permitted.

Exam questions will be available for downloading as of October 19, 9:00 am. This is a “take home” exam. For more information about the test instructions, format, requirements and grading criteria, see lesson 9. Practice test and grading criteria will be provided beforehand. Must be learner’s own original, independent work.


Ethical Disagreement Portfolio Assignment

10% Due: Nov. 11, 11:59 pm



Completed mostly independently.


Some collaboration required.

Individual worksheets will be completed independently in lessons 11, 12 and 13. The completion of elements of some worksheets requires working in pairs or collaboratively with learning team members.
Passage Analysis Assignment with Argumentative Essay

30% Due: Dec. 8, 11:59 pm

Completed independently.


No collaboration permitted.

Select a passage from a set of provided passages. Analyze the passage following the techniques and steps taught in class. Includes 1000-1250 word written essay. Must follow the techniques, skills and model taught in lectures. Grading criteria provided. Must be students’ own original, independent work. Collaboration is not permitted. To be submitted to Moodle course site. Turnitin.com, a commercial, Internet-based plagiarism detection service, will be used from within the Moodle site.




Assigned in Lessons 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17 and 18.

Completed independently.


No collaboration permitted.



10 pieces of homework worth 2% each. Homework assigned in a lesson will be due at 11:59 pm the date of the following Lesson. Example: Homework assigned in a Monday lesson will be due at 11:59 pm on the following Wednesday lesson. Homework assigned in a Wednesday lesson will be due at 11:59 pm on the following Monday lesson. Homework answers are graded based on the quality of the answer, and not for completion only. Grading rubrics will provided for homework. Answers must follow the models and formats taught in class.





Some completed independently and some collaboratively. Consists of various learning activities assigned almost every lesson and counting for various amounts of “Completion Points.” Learner’s total number of earned “Completion Points” will be out of total possible points that can be earned. This total earned points amount will be converted to a mark out of 20% and will be the participation mark. Learning activities assigned in a lesson will be due at 11:59 pm the date of the following Lesson. Example: Learning activities assigned in a Monday lesson will be due at 11:59 pm on the following Wednesday lesson. Learning activities assigned in a Wednesday lesson will be due at 11:59 pm on the following Monday lesson.

Earn up to 2% BONUS MARKS added to your TOTAL FINAL MARK:


Collect “Flora and Fauna Badges:”

  • The Moodle course site allows you to check off an “Activity Completion” box when you complete Learning Activities or view Content or Resources.
  • “Collect “ the weekly Badges by ticking off the “Activity Completion” box to the far right of the activity, content or resource.
  • Not all activities, content or resources have Badges. There are 2 to 3 Badges per week.
  • Since you are on a path to becoming a Master Critical Thinker, the Badges depict some of the wildlife, birds, trees and flowers, along your path.
  • ALL badges must be collected before December 8, 11:59 pm.
  • By collecting ALL of the course badges, you can a BONUS 1% added to your TOTAL FINAL MARK.


Write a “Letter to a Future Student” at the end of the course:

  • Answer the following 5 questions to earn 1% bonus mark added to your final mark. When answering these questions, imagine that you are writing a letter to a student who will be taking this course in the future. When you have finished answering these questions, after you click on "Submit", please take a picture or screenshot of the "Completion" screen. Next, upload the photo or screenshot as an attachment to the "Assignment" submission link posted to December 10, to prove that you completed this OPTIONAL, ANONYMOUS assignment.
  1. What is the most useful thing you learned in this course?
  2. What suggestions would you give other students on ways to get the most out of this course?
  3. In what areas did you learn the most? The least?
  4. List three ways you think you have developed or grown as a result of this course, unit or module.
  5. In which part of this course did you produce your best work, and why?


    Organization of the Course
Organization of the Course:


  • This is a fully online course hosted by the York University Moodle. To access the online modules, you need to log in with your passport York @ https://moodle.yorku.ca/. If you have never used York University Moodle before, you might be asked to finish your user profile after logging in.
  • This is course is an accelerated, double-time course, with two lessons per week. Lesson materials will be posted on Monday and Wednesday on or before 9:00 am.. Course work assigned in a Monday session will be due before 11:59 pm on the following Wednesday. Course work assigned in a Wednesday lesson will be due before 11:59 pm am on the following Monday.
  • The course work consists of 8 Modules containing a total of 21 lessons over the entire course. Each lesson is composed of several brief video recordings, learning activities that count for participation marks, and sometimes homework.
  • You do not have to log in to Moodle at a specific time each lesson, but you need to keep up.
  • Students will be divided into learning teams of 6 people for purposes of collaborative exercises and the group assignment.




Class Participation What it takes to succeed in online Modules:


  • You must log on to Moodle frequently (3-4 times per week).
  • You should be completing all coursework by the deadlines posted.
  • If you are accessing this course from a different time zone please be aware that all deadlines and launch times are Eastern Standard Time.  You are responsible for meeting all deadlines even if you are in a different time zone.
  • This course aims at providing active and deep learning experiences.
  • It is important that you have finished required readings before beginning each lesson.
  • In the online modules, you will be asked to access the lesson materials and interact with these materials by viewing brief recordings, completing learning activities, such as asynchronous online discussions, quizzes, and other lesson participation assignments.
  • It is expected that you will engage with online modules and invest an average of 4 hours for each lesson.
  • Some lessons contain discussion forums. You are expected to respond to the instructor’s questions, and to comment on and ask questions of your peers, or to summarize discussions. It is critical to post quality messages to ensure a meaningful discussion. It is expected that you will engage in the online discussion following the deadline and instructions. Plan ahead and do not wait for the last minute to post your messages and respond to your peers’ posts. Post messages that should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two to three paragraphs. Avoid postings that are limited to “I agree” or “great idea”, and similar other comments – provide rationales, examples, relate to your prior knowledge/experience, and cite your resources. Keep the discussion on topic. Use proper language, spelling, and grammar.
  • Your active engagement in these online lessons are crucial to both your and your peer’s learning.  Please keep in mind that everyone needs to contribute and engage to make this a valuable and successful experience.
  • Everyone in this course is expected to treat each other with respect. In the online environment, without the visual cues and shared understanding of acceptable behavior in face to face situations, it can be helpful to agree on basic ‘netiquette’ (online etiquette). Please refer to the “Netiquette” document in the “Orientation” section of the Moodle course site for a summary of expected online behavior.
  • This course is skills-based, consequently, this course requires the completion of homework and learning activities to learn and practice the skills. You do NEED to keep up. To become strong at any skill, practice is needed. Accordingly, there is an emphasis on continuous engagement in the Modules. If you anticipate not viewing lesson video recordings due to conflicts with work, your other classes, or personal commitments, you are strongly urged to rethink whether you should enroll in this course.


    Course Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes By the end of this course, if you apply yourself, do all the readings, view all lesson recordings and complete all lesson activities, and fully participate, you can expect to see improvement in your reading, writing, critical reasoning and critical thinking skills in the following areas:

  • Clarify meaning in arguments and passages.
  • Recognize and avoid prejudicial and emotional rhetoric in arguments.
  • Analyze, identify, portray and assess non-deductive arguments.
  • Identify, neutralize, and avoid common errors in reasoning, specifically informal logical fallacies.
  • Analyze, practice and assess dynamic processes of verbal argumentation with others, including: constructing and presenting arguments, and challenging and responding to those challenges in an ongoing dialogue.
  • Recognize and identify some core patterns that help define the key features of an ideal argumentation encounter.
  • Identify, analyze and assess concepts or abstract ideas in ordinary contexts.
  • Use the techniques of reasoning by cases, similarities and differences, and conjectures and refutations to analyze cases and develop criteria for the meaning of concepts or ideas.
  • Determine the meaning of abstract ideas using reasoning by cases.
  • Formulate and write sound and effective arguments and essays.
  • Develop skills required to read and listen for meaning.
  • Recognize and develop the necessary skills for ethical disagreement.
  • Outline and write an Argumentative essay.
    Additional Information / Notes

Course Work Submission Policies:


  • Successful academic performance includes students not only completing assignments, but completing them on time. Late penalties of 5% per day are applied to assignments submitted after the due date. Exceptions to the late penalty can be presented to the course director with documented evidence (e.g. a doctor’s note) for consideration.
  • All course work must be submitted to Moodle. Emailed course work will not be accepted.
  • You are strongly encouraged to avoid uploading assignments within the last hour of a deadline - if, for whatever reason, your document does not upload, it will be considered late.
  • There will be no opportunity to make-up lesson learning activities.  If you miss these weekly deadlines, you will receive a “0” for the assigned work.


Assistance with Special Needs: http://www.yorku.ca/cds/


  • As your Course Instructor, I am committed to maximizing your potential for academic achievement at York and to guaranteeing the services and accommodations for persons with special needs. It is vitally important that students request any specific accommodations and/or services they require, and inform the course instructor on the first day of class.  This will help avoid any potential conflicts or misunderstandings that may be encountered during the academic year.
  • It is important that students with special learning needs, requiring accommodations of any sort in connection with their successful completion of a course, contact the appropriate office(s). A good place to start is with the Counselling and Disability Services (CDS) on campus (Room N110 of the Bennett Centre for Student Services).
  • It’s also important to notify instructors of any concerns as close to the course’s start as possible. You can do this by providing your instructors with the form the CDS gives you, or during office hours if there is anything you wish to discuss. Making these arrangements significantly in advance will help ensure proper accommodations right from the beginning of the course. Ultimately, your success in this course is important to me and I encourage you to come and speak to me at any point during the term, in my office, to make arrangements or discuss strategies to help you succeed. Do not wait until deadlines have passed.


Academic Integrity:


  • You have committed plagiarism when you use someone else’s ideas and present them as your own. This could take several forms: cheating on a test; letting someone copy from you during a test; having someone write your paper; copying parts or all of the paper off the internet; buying a paper; summarizing ideas from any source without properly citing this source. For further information on plagiarism see: http://www.yorku.ca/academicintegrity/
  • It is also a violation of academic honesty to represent another's artistic or technical work or creation as one's own. Just as there are standards to which one must adhere in the preparation and publication of written works, there are standards to which one must adhere in the creation and presentation of music, drawings, designs, dance, photography and other artistic and technical works. In different forms, these constitute a theft of someone else's work. This is not to say that students should not use the work of others with the proper acknowledgement.
  • It is also a violation of academic honesty to forge another student’s signature on an attendance sheet, submit a fraudulent medical excuse, or collaborate on work with classmates or peers which is assigned individually.    
  • It is your responsibility as a student to be informed about academic integrity. No level or form of plagiarism or academic dishonesty will be tolerated. Penalties for academic dishonesty range from a grade of zero on the specific assignment, to failing the course, to having an official note of academic dishonesty on your university record.


Unauthorized Collaboration:


  • Unauthorized Collaboration is a form of “cheating” and means working with others without the specific permission of the instructor on assignments that will be submitted for a grade.
  • Students may not collaborate without faculty authorization.
  • All work submitted for a grade must be the student’s own original, independent work, unless the instructor permits collaboration, use of sources, or outside assistance.
  • Students must comply with the course rules, and may only work together, or receive help, to the extent allowed by the instructor.
  • If unsure about the limits, students must seek the instructor’s permission before working with one another.
  • Even if the instructor permits collaboration, it is never ethical to copy someone’s work or let them copy yours, unless specified by the instructor. If your instructor asks whether you worked with anyone on an assignment, always tell the truth.
  • Finally, study groups in the form of Facebook User Groups are seen by the course instructor as forms of “unauthorized collaboration.”


Copyright and Intellectual Property:


  • The educational materials developed for this course, including, but not limited to, lecture notes and slides, handout materials, examinations and assignments, and any materials posted to Moodle, are the intellectual property of the course director. These materials have been developed for student use only and they are not intended for wider dissemination and/or communication outside of a given course. Posting or providing unauthorized audio, video, or textual material of lecture content to third-party websites violates an instructor’s intellectual property rights, and the Canadian Copyright Act.
  • Failure to follow these instructions may be in contravention of the university’s Code of Student Conduct and/or Code of Academic Conduct, and will result in appropriate penalties.

Participation in this course constitutes an agreement by all parties to abide by the relevant University Policies, and to respect the intellectual property of others during and after their association with York University

    Relevant Links / Resources