
AP/PHIL3020 3.0 A: Ethics

Offered by: PHIL


Fall 2020






Calendar Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite

An advanced course in theoretical ethics, understood as covering both normative ethical theory and metaethics. Prerequisite: At least one of: AP/PHIL 2070 3.00 or AP/PHIL 2075 3.00. Course credit exclusion: GL/PHIL 3237 3.00.

Course Start Up

Course Websites hosted on York's "eClass" are accessible to students during the first week of the term. It takes two business days from the time of your enrolment to access your course website. Course materials begin to be released on the course website during the first week. To log in to your eClass course visit the York U eClass Portal and login with your Student Passport York Account. If you are creating and participating in Zoom meetings you may also go directly to the York U Zoom Portal.

For further course Start Up details, review the Getting Started webpage.

For IT support, students may contact University Information Technology Client Services via askit@yorku.ca or (416) 736-5800. Please also visit UIT Student Services or the Getting Help - UIT webpages.

    Additional Course Instructor/Contact Details

Parisa Moosavi

Virtual office hours: The course instructor’s virtual office hours are scheduled on Thursdays, 3:30 - 4:30 pm. You may drop in to chat and ask your questions. The Zoom link for these sessions can be accessed on eClass. For individual appointments, please email the course instructor.

    Expanded Course Description

This is an advanced course in theoretical ethics, covering both normative ethical theory and metaethics. We will examine some of the central questions that have framed and defined contemporary approaches to philosophical ethics. These questions include: “why be moral?”, “are there any objective moral values?”, “what does it take for a person’s life to go well?” and “what are the most general principles concerning right and wrong?” We will read leading philosophers who defend particular answers to these questions, and will critically evaluate the arguments they make in support of these theories. Along the way, we will also connect abstract questions in ethical theory to concrete moral problems, such as abortion and robot rights.

    Additional Requirements

Technical requirements for taking the course: eClass (Moodle) and Zoom will be used in this course, through which students will access the course materials and interact with the course instructor as well as with one another.

The course will be run synchronously, with class meetings scheduled on Zoom. Students are expected to participate in the course through video conferencing, and will be encouraged to appear on video for class discussion. In addition to stable, higher-speed internet connection, students will need a computer or smart device with webcam and microphone.

Here are some useful links for student computing information, resources and help:

Student Guide to eClass

Zoom@YorkU Best Practices 

Zoom@YorkU User Reference Guide

Computing for Students Website

Student Guide to eLearning at York University


To determine Internet connection and speed, there are online tests, such as Speedtest, that can be run.


Times and locations: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30am – 1:00pm, on Zoom


The course will be run synchronously, with ‘live’ sessions scheduled on Zoom during class time. Attending the live meeting is required for participating in class discussion. The Zoom link for class meetings can be accessed on eClass.

Please note that this is a course that depends on remote teaching and learning. There will be no in-person interactions or activities on campus.

    Required Course Text / Readings

The course will use a reading kit. This reading kit is available as a physical book (not an e-book) to purchase through the bookstore’s website.

    Weighting of Course
Assessment Due date Value
Workshop Assignment 1 October 8 %5
Workshop Assignment 2 December 8 %5
Paper Assignment 1 October 20 %15
Paper Assignment 2 December 18 %35
Completion Quizzes Tuesdays and Thursdays %20
Reading Response Presentation Once during the term %5
Lecture Response Post Once during the term %5
Virtual Class Attendance and Participation Tuesdays and Thursdays %10
    Organization of the Course

Please review the table below for the details of various elements of the course.


Meeting Day Time Description
Lectures Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:30am-1:00pm This is a live lecture via Zoom. The Zoom link for class meetings can be accessed on eClass.

The first part of class, which contains the lecture, will be recorded, and the recording can be accessed on eClass by the following day. The second part of class, which contains class discussion, will not be recorded.

Quizzes Tuesdays & Thursdays After class time Each lecture will be followed by a quiz that assesses your understanding of the lecture and the assigned reading for that class. The quizzes will be made available on eClass after class. You will have 24 hours after the end of class time to complete the quiz on eClass.
Office Hours Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm The course instructor’s virtual office hours will be held on Zoom as optional live Q&A sessions. You may drop in to chat and ask your questions. The Zoom link for these meetings can be accessed on eClass.

For individual appointments, please email the course instructor.

Small-group Writing Workshops Tue 8/10 & Tue 8/12


During class time These are two writing workshops that are designed to help you succeed in your paper assignments.

These workshops are conducted as small-group discussion sessions held during regular class time on Zoom.

Reading Response Presentation Once during the term During class time Each student must sign up to present a short response to one of the assigned reading once during the term. The presentation will be delivered verbally in the chosen class meeting immediately after the course instructor’s lecture.
Lecture Response Post Once during the term After class time Each student must sign up to post a short response to our discussion in one of the class meetings. The response should be posted in a designated discussion forum on eClass within a week after the chosen class.
    Course Learning Objectives

Completing the work for this course will:

  • Introduce you to the central questions in normative ethical theory and metaethics.
  • Enable you to recognize the concepts and assumptions behind these questions, and form questions (and answers) of your own.
  • Teach you the motivations behind the primary positions in the field, and enable you to critically engage with them.
  • Improve your ability to read difficult texts with comprehension.
  • Improve your ability to analyze and evaluate arguments.
  • Improve your ability to communicate complicated ideas in concise prose.
    Additional Information / Notes

Grading Policy:  The grading scheme for the course conforms to the 9-point grading system used in undergraduate programs at York (e.g., A+ = 9, A = 8, B+ - 7, C+ = 5, etc.).  Assignments and tests* will bear either a letter grade designation or a corresponding number grade (e.g.  A+ = 90 to 100, A = 80 to 90, B+ = 75 to 79, etc.)

(For a full description of York grading system see the York University Undergraduate Calendar here.)


Assignment Submission: Proper academic performance depends on students doing their work not only well, but on time.  Accordingly, assignments for this course must be received on the due date specified for the assignment.


Assignments are to be submitted electronically on eClass.


Lateness Penalty: Please see the policy for each type of assignment below.


Paper assignments: You may be granted an extension of up to 5 days on a paper assignment, no questions asked, only if you email the course instructor requesting an extension at least 24 hours before the due date of the paper assignment. Late submission of any written assignment without an extension will be penalized 3 percentage points for each day that the assignment is late.


Completion quizzes: Completion quizzes are due 24 hours after class time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The quizzes won’t be available online after the deadline. If you have a valid reason for missing a quiz, contact the course instructor as soon as possible to receive a make-up assignment. Note that you can miss one completion quiz (out of 21) with no penalty without having to provide justification.


Workshop Assignments: These are two writing workshops that are designed to help you succeed in your paper assignments. In order to participate in the workshops (which are held synchronously on Zoom), you need to submit your topic and your draft/outline by the specified due dates. Given that the workshops are group activities, you won’t be able to participate in the workshop without submitting these elements of the assignment on time. If you have a valid reason for missing the workshops, contact the course instructor as soon as possible.


Policy regarding Audio-Visual Recordings: The first part of each class, which contains the lecture, will be recorded, and the recording will be accessible to all students on eClass. The second part of class, which contains class discussion, will not be recorded. Students who do not wish to be recorded are advised not to speak during the recorded part of class. Class recordings will be used for educational purposes only and as a means for enhancing accessibility. Students do not have permission to duplicate, copy and/or distribute the recordings outside of the class (these acts can violate not only copyright laws but also FIPPA).

    Relevant Links / Resources