AP/ADMS3920 3.0 N: New Venture & Small Business Management
Offered by: School of Administrative Studies
Winter 2020
Calendar Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite
An understanding of the entrepreneurial process, from idea generation to new enterprise creation, is developed through lectures, case studies and simulations. The functional topic areas of business are developed as they relate specifically to planning for new ventures (including intrapreneurship) and small business management. Prerequisites: AP/ADMS 1000 3.00; AP/ADMS 2500 3.00.
Course Syllabus Attachment
Relevant Links / Resources
- Academic Honesty
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Religious Observance
- Grading Scheme and Feedback
- 20% Rule
No examinations or tests collectively worth more than 20% of the final grade in a course will be given during the final 14 calendar days of classes in a term. The exceptions to the rule are classes which regularly meet Friday evenings or on Saturday and/or Sunday at any time, and courses offered in the compressed summer terms. - Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities