
AP/PHIL2090 3.0 M: Intro. to the Philosophy of Religion

Offered by: PHIL


Winter 2021






Calendar Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite

Does God exist? Can religious belief be explained away? What is the relationship between faith and reason? Through a selection of classic readings, this course provides a survey of some central topics in the philosophy of religion.

Course Start Up

Course Websites hosted on York's "eClass" are accessible to students during the first week of the term. It takes two business days from the time of your enrolment to access your course website. Course materials begin to be released on the course website during the first week. To log in to your eClass course visit the York U eClass Portal and login with your Student Passport York Account. If you are creating and participating in Zoom meetings you may also go directly to the York U Zoom Portal.

For further course Start Up details, review the Getting Started webpage.

For IT support, students may contact University Information Technology Client Services via askit@yorku.ca or (416) 736-5800. Please also visit UIT Student Services or the Getting Help - UIT webpages.

    Additional Course Instructor/Contact Details

Dr. Shyam Ranganathan

    Expanded Course Description

Course Description: This course will address philosophical questions about religion, starting with the question of the definition of religion, whether there is anything essential to being religious, arguments for the existence of God, atheism, mysticism,  the problem of evil and meditation. This is not a course in religious studies but a course in philosophy. The readings for  this course are sorted according to philosophical topics. Special emphasis is placed on philosophies that structure the practice of religions.

    Additional Requirements

The course will be run out of eClass, the course delivery platform at York University. To use eClass, you will need a functioning computer with an internet browser to access weekly assignments, to submit assignments and take tests. While you can use a smart device for tests, for composing and submitting assignments, an internet-connected computer with a keyboard  is required.  Students will also need a high-speed internet connection and working microphone to connect with the professor during office hours. Synchronous class meetings will be held during which students can participate in conversations with the course director and other students. High-speed internet, a microphone and webcam are required to participate in these weekly meetings conducted via Zoom. Students concerned about privacy are welcome to use virtual backgrounds during Zoom calls.


Here are some useful links for student computing information, resources and help:

Student Guide to Moodle

Zoom@YorkU Best Practices 

Zoom@YorkU User Reference Guide

Computing for Students Website

Student Guide to eLearning at York University


To determine Internet connection and speed, there are online tests, such as Speedtest, that can be run.]


Times and locations: Please note that this is a course that depends on remote teaching and learning. There will be no in-person interactions or activities on campus. Synchronous meetings will be held Wednesday  @ 2:30-5:30 . The length of meetings will be shortened to accommodate the time spent by students viewing video lectures.


Virtual office hours: Details of virtual office hours for administrative purposes will be made available to students once they enrol and can access Moodle.

    Required Course Text / Readings

All readings are free to students enrolled in the course via Moodle.

    Weighting of Course

Assignments in this course fall into three categories:

  • Participation: 40% (weekly commentaries, quizzes, virtual attendance)
  • Essay: 30%
  • Final Exam 30% (contains Study Note Assignment)
    Organization of the Course

This course runs on recorded video lectures that students can view at their own pace—however the course video lectures are tied to weekly participation assignments that have timed due dates—displayed on Moodle. So while students can choose when to view the recorded material, the weekly participation assignments are set and require that the corresponding lectures have been viewed and the corresponding reading has been done. These assignments may also be done in advance of the due date. The pass/fail participation assignments are set up to incentivise students to keep up with the reading and lesson schedule: credit is only given to those students who submit passing assignments on time. We will also have weekly, synchronous meetings during the time allotted in the course schedule, however at a reduced length (no more than 1 hour) to accommodate the time spent watching video lecture content. Students are encouraged to join these meetings to have their questions answered. Virtual office hours, and email, in contrast, are for administrative purposes only.

    Course Learning Objectives
  • Distinguish philosophical reasoning and argument from other forms of explanation.
  • Become familiar with the basic areas of philosophical theory.
  • Be able to write a philosophical paper.
  • Be able to identify and discuss historically important issues and contributions to the philosophy of religion.
    Additional Information / Notes

Details of the assignments are set out in course documents available on Moodle to registered students. Due dates and penalties (if any) for late assignments are to be found in these documents and Moodle. Grading criteria for written material can be found in the syllabus and on Moodle.

    Relevant Links / Resources